Friday, June 18, 2010


School is out for the summer!

This is exciting because I get to be with my girlies!
This is a bummer because I do not get paid.

I have given myself a $10 allowance each week.
This will be a challenge because I am always able to find something I don't need something to spend money on. 

Every Saturday I am going to let you know how I did.  I am hoping that I do a few things this summer:
1.  Buy less stuff
2. Think about what I am buying and whether or not I really       need it.
3. Save some money 

It will be a bummer if I run out of money and need/want something.  I guess I will have to wait until the next week.

Wish me luck. 

1 comment:

  1. You can do it Jessica, if you cant do it nobody can. Good Luck hon!
